Alta to lead CITE Complete Streets Trainings
The Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) is hosting Complete Streets Training workshops led by Alta Planning + Design across Canada in 2018 and early 2019. The first one will take place in Surrey, BC on Wednesday, July 25th. The focus for these full day training interactive sessions is on the implementation of Complete Streets projects. Cities are gaining experience in this field and regional, national and international Complete Streets guidance is advancing. This is an opportunity to review existing policies and practices and consider Complete Streets principles within a local context. Strategies for implementing Complete Street principles will be discussed including working with stakeholders. The workshop will explore the future of Complete Streets through policy and design with the rise of new mobility options, curb access management, and how the use of our streets is changing. Other sessions of this training opportunity will be provided in Ottawa in October 2018 and in Calgary in February 2019.
Alta Speakers:
- Kate Whitfield, P.Eng., MCIP, RPP, Senior Associate Engineer/Planner
- Kirk Paulsen, PE, Engineer