Session Information:
Equity-Based Infrastructure & Accessibility Performance Measurement & Gap Prioritization for the Washington State Active Transportation Plan
Wednesday, June 9 | 3:50 – 4:10pm EST
As part of a multi-disciplinary team, Alta Planning + Design and Urban Design 4 Health led the development of the 2020 update to the Washington State Active Transportation Plan (ATP) for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). The plan delivers a series of tools for planning and performance measurement that include evaluation metrics, infrastructure gap assessment, policy and funding recommendations, and demand analysis. Through data-driven analyses, the ATP supports WSDOT and its partners to prioritize decisions and investments in facilities and programs aimed at increasing access, safety, and mobility for Washingtonians of all ages and abilities to bike, walk, and connect with other modes.
Speakers: Kim Voros and Eric Fox, Senior Planner – Urban Design 4 Health, Ltd.
Career Connect with Kate
Wednesday, June 9 | 4:15 – 5pm EST
Join us for a special conference version of our popular Career Connect with Kate presentation where we discuss challenges and strategies for finding that first job or developing your career in transportation.
Speaker: Kate Whitfield
Where Cycle Tracks, Transit, Trails, Sidewalks, and Motorists Meet: Making Complex Protected Intersections a Reality
Thursday, June 10 | 11:20 – 11:40am EST
A growing demand for improved connectivity of non-motorized transport is pushing cities to improve roadways. While cities are making big leaps from bike lanes to cycle tracks, it’s the intersections that require practitioners to think creatively about the comfort of vulnerable road users. As protected intersections become more prevalent, we are faced with new challenges. This session will highlight these challenges and lessons learned through the design and implementation of a project in Toronto. York U Cycling Connections is a project that will link destinations with the goal to achieve safety and accessibility for all ages and abilities. The intersection of Murray Ross Parkway and Evelyn Wiggins Drive sits among a university, two transit stations, a hydro corridor, and residential communities and will be one of the city’s first protected intersections in a project that included new design approaches, constrained corners, utilities, signals design, and a number of stakeholders to make the project a success.
Speaker: Nataliya Pekar