Alta Planning + Design is excited to announce our first Future of Mobility Workshop Assistance Program. Across the country, Alta is leading discussions about mobility’s future that move beyond speculation to a more holistic approach to goal setting. This assistance program will provide one regional or local public agency with an in-person workshop facilitated by national New Mobility specialists. The workshop will strip away the mystique of “new mobility” to identify what is happening in the community today, and articulate the policies, partnerships, and regulations needed to shape a dynamic future that meets the community’s goals.
What Does an Agenda for a Future of Mobility Workshop look like?
- Registration/Check-In
- Welcome and Introduction
- New Mobility Trends & Why They Matter (Alta)
- Optional: Local Challenges, Opportunities, Trends Presentation (Local Participant)
- Small Group Exercise
- Report Back and Discussion
- Lunch with Keynote Topic
- Small Group Deeper Dive Exercise (e.g. Complete Streets + New Mobility Design; Scenario Planning for an Uncertain Future; Mobility Hub Planning, Design, + Integration; Equity + Access in a Digitally-Connected Future)
- Wrap-up with Near-term Actions
Who Can Apply?
Eligible applicants include public sector agencies and registered nonprofits, such as:
- State agencies
- Regional agencies
- County and municipal government
- Non-profit organizations
- Academic institutions
Applicants will need to demonstrate an ability to bring together and engage a regional group of stakeholders. Criteria for an ideal candidate includes:
- Has identified a specific challenge or opportunity related to new and emerging transportation trends
- Is interested in, and ready for, developing near-term strategies
- Has a history of successfully working across jurisdictions
- Values a balanced transportation system that prioritizes mode choice, safety, and equity
What Does the Workshop Include?
Through this assistance program, Alta will provide in-kind consulting services to prepare for, develop content for, and facilitate a one-day workshop, as well as provide a written and formatted summary report of the results of the workshop. The assistance program also includes all direct expenses related to travel for two workshop leaders. The in-kind consulting services (valued at $25,000 – $30,000 depending on location) will include:
Kick-off Phone Meeting with Agency Staff and Alta New Mobility Specialists:
- Alta will provide an agenda and be prepared to:
- Review goals of the workshop
- Discuss local context
- Revisit areas of concern or special interest
- Collect available data and documents
- Discuss date and finalize needs and responsibilities for workshop
Research & Content Development:
- Alta will confirm relevant local and regional needs and policy context; research relevant case studies, trends, and best practices for presentations and handout; and develop appropriate group exercise materials
One-day Workshop:
- Alta will provide the draft and final Workshop agenda along with a list of materials needed; serve as facilitator and presenter at the Workshop; and digital versions of all presentation slides
Graphic-rich New Mobility Guide Technical Memorandum:
- Within 1 month, Alta will produce a memorandum that includes graphics and narrative that articulates goals and next steps for policies, partnerships, and/or regulations that will help prepare the community for the future.
Recipient Responsibilities
The recipient must be able to identify appropriate regional stakeholders and successfully bring together decision-makers representing key agencies and partners. This may include staff, administrators, and elected officials of local jurisdictions, County(ies), regional planning agency(ies), transit agency(ies), local advocates and nonprofits, and major partners, such as major employers, healthcare systems, and the business community or business districts. Participants should be able to commit to the full workshop (typically 6 to 7 hours). Recipients will be responsible for:
1. Securing a venue and workspace for the event that includes:
- Microphone
- Screen
- Tables and chairs
- Internet and Electric Outlets
2. Provide Alta New Mobility Specialists with existing relevant plans, policy information, and data as available and requested
3. Commit staff time to review and provide feedback and revisions to draft materials within the constraints of the project schedule
4. Commit staff time and support in facilitating the full day Workshop
Schedules and Deadlines
- Open Invitation Announced: Monday, July 29, 2019
- Submissions Due: Friday, August 30, 2019 (midnight Pacific Time)
- Notification of Selected Participant: Thursday, September 5, 2019
- Kick-off Meeting: Week of September 23, 2019
- One-Day New Mobility Workshop: Week of November 4-8 or November 11-15, 2019
- Draft Report: December 6, 2019
- Community Review: Week of December 9-13, 2019
- Final Report: December 20, 2019
How to Apply
Submissions are due on Friday, August 30, 2019. Please Apply Now to submit your application. You cannot save once you have started the application, so please be prepared to complete it. Section One is your contact information (and an alternate contact, in case we are not able to reach you). Then in Section Two, we ask the following six questions that can help us determine where our pro bono services will be most helpful.
- Your Region: Please explain the geographic study area and identify any local jurisdiction(s) it includes. Is this a multi-county region, a City, a metro area, a rural council of governments, etc? (100 words or less)
- Existing State of New Mobility in the Region: Please describe the state of new mobility in your regional community. How are technology-enabled transportation services influencing mobility in your region and why does it matter to you and your regional partners? (250 words or less)
- Workshop Focus and Goals: If you had one day to bring together partners from across your region to learn about and discuss new mobility, what would you hope to accomplish? (250 words or less)
- Proposed Participants: When you consider the list of agencies/organizations to be invited for the New Mobility Workshop (including your own): 1) Who will be most excited to attend? 2) Which participant has the most to gain? 3) Who is most likely to be a change-maker following the workshop? 4) Who may be reluctant to attend? (400 words or less)
- Equity Considerations: Please describe how the New Mobility Workshop could influence transportation equity in your regional community. (250 words or less)
- Other: Is there anything else you would like us to know? (100 words or less)
Evaluation Process
Submissions will receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt. If you have not received a confirmation email within two business days of submitting your application, please contact Marketing Manager, Beth Flanagan at [email protected]. Applications will be evaluated based on:
- Geographic Region and State of New Mobility – 25%
- Workshop Focus and Goals – 25%
- Proposed Participants – 25%
- Equity Considerations – 25%
Please contact Beth Flanagan, Marketing Manager for New Mobility, Alta Planning + Design at [email protected] or (503) 575-2782 .