The 7th Annual Silicon Valley Bike Summit is the region’s largest gathering of active transportation leaders and organizers from government, law enforcement, non-profit, and the public.
Alta staff will be participating in a number of sessions, including:
1. Stressed Out: Planning Better Bike Networks from the User’s Point of View, Mercury & Jupiter Rooms
Panelists will discuss creating better bike plans and tools for developing low-stress bike networks. Alta will discuss integrating outreach and analytics to create better bike plans using recent examples that showcase elements of robust public engagement, rigorous analytics, and strong graphic visualization. Rails-to-Trails Conservancy will discuss its new tool that quantifies bicycle network connectivity based on the use of low traffic stress networks and access to key destinations, focusing on recent case studies.
- Moderator: Jaime Fearer, Deputy Director, California Walks @bogrosemary @CaliforniaWalks
- Barry Bergman, Manager of Trail Development, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy @railstotrails
- Jeff Knowles, Associate Planner, Alta Planning & Design @altaplanning
2. Discussing Main Street: Should El Camino Real be the Peninsula’s Main Bike Route?, Galileo Auditorium
A debate regarding the best north south bike routes on the Peninsula and whether cities should prioritize El Camino Real for biking or plan for parallel routes.
- Moderator: Ken Chin, SVBC Boardmember
- Kirsten Keith, Mayor of Menlo Park, @KirstenKeithEsq @CityofMenloPark
- Jessica Manzi, Senior Transportation Manager, City of Redwood City @jgreig8 @RedwoodCity
- Sergio Ruiz, Pedestrian & Bicycle Coordinator, Caltrans District 4 @sirgious @CaltransD4
- Matthew VanOosten, Senior Planner & Project Manager, Grand Boulevard Initiative; Alta Planning + Design (Consultant for Samtrans)
3. Connecting the Boulevards: Palo Alto’s Bike Boulevard Network, Saturn Room
The City of Palo Alto has made a significant investment toward the design and implementation of a complete low-stress Bicycle Boulevard network. A panel of city staff, project design engineers, and local advocates will provide an update on the progress and benefits of a bike boulevard network.
- Moderator: Elaine Uang, Board Member, Palo Alto Forward @paloaltoforward
- Chris Corrao, Senior Transportation Planner, City of Palo Alto @cityofpaloalto
- Penny Ellson, Former Chair, Palo Alto Council of PTA’s Traffic Safety Committee
- Hugh Louch, Principal, Alta Planning + Design [email protected]