Our people make the difference.

Eric Purcell

Eric is a multi-faceted urban planner with keen interests in active transportation, sustainability, and mapping. He started his career as a planner for various historic architecture organizations, and later transitioned his work to urban and real estate analytics. Prior to joining Alta, he spent a year in Spain teaching English. Eric brings extensive knowledge of local, regional, and national planning practices, principles, and guidelines and is experienced in urban research and analysis, community engagement, and GIS. Eric is a graduate of the Master of Planning and Master of Heritage Conservation dual degree program at the University of Southern California.

“Growing up in a car-dependent suburb is what, perhaps ironically, sparked my passion for sustainable communities. Dealing with the daily stress that comes with relying on a car to get around town, I often wondered why – or if – things had to be this way. Nowadays, I find joy in working to solve our most-pressing transportation issues by reorienting our cities from the automobile towards community centered design.”