Elephant Hill provides critical open space in Northeast Los Angeles. It is currently undeveloped, with a large number of private landowners holding much of the property. It is used by residents for hiking, scenic views, and extensive off road use. Formalized trails on Elephant Hill will provide recreational opportunities for nearby residents and create a connection between the neighborhoods on either side of the hill.
In 2017, Alta completed the North-East Los Angeles Open Space Elephant Hill Trail Conceptual Trail Design plan. This document identified a connection across the open space, primarily following MRCA-owned parcels. Three primary segments were identified, with alternatives for each, showing alignments that remained wholly on MRCA parcels, and those that would require acquisition of adjacent parcels. Alta followed the concept design with a real estate and market value analysis for land surrounding the project area, should the open space be expanded in the future.
The next phase of work Alta provided was to determine a preferred alignment, design two access points, and recommend wayfinding and regulatory signage. Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimates were provided, and will be used to guide future construction of the trail and improvements in the surrounding open space.