- Planning Associate II
- Durham
Steve is a Planner in Alta’s Durham office. His experience centers on active transportation, open space, and trail planning across varied terrain at the local, regional, and statewide level. His skill set includes developing high-quality GIS maps, writing, field and remote analysis, and project management. He is highly motivated to find and focus realistic solutions that enhance active living, diversity, sustainability, and overall quality of life.
“There is nothing like climbing up to a ridgeline, strolling or paddling along a river trail, hiking deep into a forest, biking along dirt roads through the countryside, or any of the infinite ways we connect with the incredible places that give us awesome food, air, water, and adventure. When I walk or ride my bike to work, the grocery store, a friend’s house, the airport, or anywhere at all, in some small way it reminds me of the lucky times I have spent in wild places far away from the built environment. It also reminds me how extraordinary the communities that we have created truly are – from conversations with welcoming neighbors and friendly strangers on the sidewalk, faint trail cut-throughs along a hidden urban creek, or an epic view of the sunrise as you cross the train tracks – these are magical experiences of community that a simple walk or roll can strikingly reveal”
Registrations + Affiliations
- American Planning Association
- American Institute of Certified Planners
- American Planning Association
- American Institute of Certified Planners