As part of its Vision Zero Action Plan, adopted in 2017, the Hillsborough Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) identified eight High Injury Network (HIN) corridors for further corridor-level analysis. Alta developed Vision Zero recommendations for two of the identified corridors.

In collaboration with Atkins, Alta analyzed two of the HIN corridors: Gibsonton Road from west of the I-75 Interchange to Balm Riverview Road, and 78th Street from Causeway Boulevard to Palm River Road. The purpose of the studies was to develop countermeasures and high-impact, low-cost safety treatments for the two HIN corridors and make long-term safety recommendations.

Alta assisted in analyzing the crashes and their causalities, developed a toolbox of spot- and corridor-level safety treatments, and prepared concepts and renderings of the proposed treatments. Alta also assisted in the public engagement effort, setting up the virtual platform, collecting public input, and disseminating results.