Jun 23

Alta Planning + Design owner Steve Durrant to be named Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects

Steve Durrant FASLAAlta Planning + Design, the national leader in creating active communities, is very happy to announce that the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) will name Steve Durrant a Fellow of the Society. Fellowship is among the highest honors the ASLA bestows on members. It is conferred on individuals in recognition of exceptional accomplishments and contributions over a sustained period of time to both the profession and society, based on work, leadership and management, knowledge, and service. Investiture will take place at the society’s annual conference in Chicago, November 9, 2015.

Steve Durrant is a principal and owner of Alta Planning + Design. He manages offices in Seattle, Vancouver, St Louis, Minneapolis and Chicago, and contributes to Alta’s leadership in transit, park and greenway design, on-street bikeways and landscape architecture across the country. He is a member of the board of directors of the League of American Bicyclists.

In expressing his gratitude, Mr. Durrant said:

“I’m very happy and humbled to receive this honor, and sincerely appreciate the hard work, dedication and talent of clients, advocates, teaming partners, and staff across the country that make our active communities possible. And of course my family: Chris Carlson and Peter Durrant. Thank you all!”

About the American Society of Landscape Architects

Founded in 1899, ASLA is the national professional association for landscape architects, representing more than 15,000 members in 49 professional chapters and 72 student chapters. Members of the Society use “ASLA” after their names to denote membership and their commitment to the highest ethical standards of the profession. Landscape architects lead the stewardship, planning, and design of our built and natural environments; the Society’s mission is to advance landscape architecture through advocacy, communication, education and fellowship.

More about the FASLA Class of 2015

About Alta Planning + Design

Alta Planning + Design is the national leader in creating active communities. Since 1996 Alta has grown to 150 expert landscape architects, planners, engineers and encouragement specialists in 40 offices. In addition to leadership in active transportation planning, design, and implementation, Alta provides expertise in trails, Complete Streets, parks and open spaces, wayfinding systems, traffic analysis, GIS modeling, encouragement activities, healthy community policies and bike share programs.

Contact: Natalie Lozano, VP Director of Marketing, 503.230.9860, [email protected]
