Road safety is an important part of everyday life. Across the globe, people use roads and sidewalks to get to work, school, stores, and home. Though road safety has steadily improved over time, it remains a priority for transportation agencies, legislators, and advocacy organizations. That’s why Alta will be joining hundreds of road safety and transportation professionals and students as a bronze sponsor to gather in-person to exchange ideas and connect at the ITE Canada/CARSP 2023 Joint Conference, June 4-7, 2023!
This event brings together two respected transportation organizations – CARSP (Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals) and ITE Canada (Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers) – for a unique opportunity to make new connections and share ideas! ITE Canada (until recently known as CITE) is home to Canada’s largest community of transportation professionals. The annual conference brings together the best and brightest in Canadian transportation practitioners to exchange ideas, share experiences, and connect.