Alta led the update to the Memphis Metropolitan Planning Organization’s regional pedestrian and bicycle master plan update, Walk & Roll!
The planning process included a robust stakeholder and public involvement strategy composed of Sidewalk and Handlebar intercept surveys, an implementation partner stakeholder survey, stakeholder meetings, and traditional public open houses. Online engagement strategies included an interactive map and a custom virtual open house site created by our Visual Communications Design team that includes a video presentation, an interactive user mode and priority survey, and tools for gathering feedback and discussion on existing conditions and needs as well as proposed recommendations and the draft plan document. Online engagement incorporated custom project branding, visual design, video production, and animation.
Alta also conducted geospatial analysis for the project that builds on previous work, and includes a systemic safety risk analysis and updated network prioritization. The resulting priority networks and project list focuses on practical investments that respond to safety and equity concerns and maximize return on investment for the region.
Alta also developed conceptual designs and cost estimates for selected high-priority “catalyst” projects to assist with implementation. Other recommendations included policy and design guidance related to access to transit and shared micromobility, as well as policy and program ideas to leverage the benefits of walking, bicycling, and emerging electric rideables.