The Tamarac, FL Multimodal Transportation Connectivity Master Plan (MOVE TAMARAC) assesses existing conditions of bike, pedestrian, transit and roadway networks to identify strategies and project recommendations.
Alta developed the proposed multi-modal network, incorporating input from public engagement effort. The Master Plan also included an implementation component to guide the city on the execution and adoption of policies and programs. The Master Plan included cost estimates and a range of funding options. The plan encompasses short, medium, and long-term recommendations, which will guide the city’s future infrastructure investments. Ultimately, the plan strives to establish a secure transportation network that benefits both residents and visitors. By better linking major routes, creating convenient first-last mile connections, and expanding multimodal transportation choices, Tamarac can make the most of its existing community assets, cultural attractions, transit alternatives, and local businesses. The city adopted MOVE TAMARAC on September 12, 2024, at the City commission meeting.