Traffic Circles. Traffic circles reduce conflict potential and severity while providing traffic calming to the corridor.
Chicanes. Chicanes form an “S”-shaped curb, which reduces vehicle speeds by requiring motorists to shift laterally through narrowed travel lanes. (Photo on left via Richard Drudl, photo on right via Dan Burden pedbikeimages.)
Textured pavement emphasizes a change in environment to a residential street and is thought to increase driver awareness.
Curb Extensions and Pinchpoints. Extending the curb into the parking lane at intersections reduces pedestrian crossing distances and improves visibility between motorists and people walking. Pinchpoints are wider than normal curb extensions and placed on both sides of the street, narrowing the travel lane and encouraging all road users to slow down. When placed at intersections, pinchpoints are known as “chokers” or “neckdowns.”
Raised Crosswalks. Raised crosswalks are elevated, marked pedestrian crossings above street grade at intersections or mid-block. Renderings by Alta Planning + Design.
Compared to stop-controlled and signalized intersections, roundabouts can reduce crashes where people are seriously hurt or killed by 78–82%. Additionally, emissions are lower because cars don’t need to accelerate from a complete stop.
At roundabouts, it is important to indicate to people driving, bicycling, and walking the right-of-way rules and correct way to circulate.
Four-lane undivided highways experience relatively high crash frequencies. A roadway reconfiguration known as a “road diet” offers several high-value improvements at a low cost. Resulting benefits of a road diet have shown to include a crash reduction of 19 to 47 percent, reduced vehicle speed, and improved mobility and access for all road users.
Example of a “road diet.” Rendering by Alta Planning + Design.
High Visibility Crosswalks
Including additional paint enhances a motorist’s awareness of a crosswalk. Near schools, crosswalks should be painted for additional visibility. In roadway lighting can further enhance crosswalk visibility.Crossing Beacons like the ‘Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB)’ can enhance the visibility of crosswalks marked by just paint. Flashing lights and additional signage alert motorists to the presence of crosswalks and pedestrian traffic.
My team (Alta’s unique Programs Team) exists to help people walk, bike, and take transit more often. More specifically, we help public agencies design, run, and evaluate behavior change campaigns. If you were asked to design a campaign like this, what would you do? You might tell people about the health benefits of walking and […]
Blog 3 of 4 about the Empire State Trail When complete, the Empire State Trail will be the longest multi-use trail in the US. We caught up with Kristie Di Cocco, one of Alta’s senior engineering associates working on this project. Who are the key players? Are there other organizations or stakeholders that were involved […]