4 Trail Trends Explained

March 19, 2019

Trails and greenways are well known for providing active transportation and recreation benefits to communities. But there are other advantages associated to these outdoor spaces. From CPTED to trail economics, these four emerging trends in trails can help inform your next project. 1. Quantifying the Value of Trails Economic Impact Analyses (EIAs) are helpful tools […]

Planning for a Healthy, Active Downtown

July 27, 2017

Developing a Downtown Master Plan in Laurens, South Carolina How can a community develop an active, healthy downtown? The short answer is: create a place for people. The long answer is: leverage economic, physical, and cultural assets to build the foundation for a livable, vibrant place where people want to live, work, and play. Alta’s Greenville […]

Walk Bike Forward with Michael Coleman

September 12, 2016

#WalkBikeForward: Join us on our journey honoring key moments and people that have shaped our field as we celebrate 20 years of creating active, healthy communities. Michael Coleman was mayor of Columbus, Ohio from 2000 to 2015. He is now Director of Business & Government Strategies of the IceMiller law firm. Ebony magazine named him […]