Alta is a proud sponsor of the 10th Annual Ontario Bike Summit in Toronto on April 16, 17, & 18, 2018. The Ontario Bike Summit provides a forum for decision-makers to be inspired by best practices from around Ontario and beyond, to gain the practical skills necessary to act on that inspiration and to build new connections to learn from the growing network of people interested in making Ontario the best place in Canada to ride a bike. Alta staff will be present and speaking in sessions on prioritizing equity in transportation planning, bicycle parking strategies, and CO2 emissions. As a Board Member for the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP), Alta’s Kate Whitfield, P.Eng., MCIP, RPP, is helping to organize the APBP session with the local chapter. Alta is also on the core team for the update to the Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 18, which is hosting an engagement session during the summit.
- Kate Whitfield, P.Eng., MCIP, RPP, Senior Engineer/Planner, Ottawa, ON, Session: “Prove it – CO2 emissions”
- Ezra Lipton, Planner, Ottawa, ON, Session: “Toronto’s Bicycle Parking Strategy”
- Cailin Henley, MPH, Planner, Seattle, WA, Session: “Prioritizing Equity in Transportation Planning”