Meet us at the ITE Joint Conference!

    Road safety is an important part of everyday life. Across the globe, people use roads and sidewalks to get to work, school, stores, and home. Though road safety has steadily improved over time, it remains a priority for transportation agencies, legislators, and advocacy organizations. That’s why Alta will be joining hundreds of road […]

Find us at the International Trails Summit!

Trails are connective tissue for communities, providing physical and mental health benefits, economic benefits, a way to experience and enjoy where we live and travel, and climate resilient solutions to ease the impacts of extreme weather while simultaneously making it easier to choose the low-carbon transportation and recreation options.. Finding solutions to the challenges of […]

Join us at the California Trails & Greenways Conference!

The California Trails & Greenways conference, held from March 28-30 in Palm Springs, CA provides high-quality education and networking opportunities for urban, rural, and backcountry trail professionals. Register here to join leading trail experts for training and discussions on the latest advances in trail design, construction, maintenance, interpretation, volunteerism, and management. Explore new, collaborative opportunities and […]

Find us at the 2023 Safe Streets Summit

The Safe Streets Summit is South Florida’s premier complete streets event focused on promoting and creating healthier, safer, and more vibrant communities by encouraging and building the necessary skills to implement Complete Streets throughout the South Florida region. As a gold sponsor for this year’s event in Hollywood, FL, Alta is proud to sponsor the […]

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