Why hire Alta Planning + Design to engineer solutions for your streets?
For close to 20 years, Alta Planning + Design has been planning and design healthy, active communities in hundreds of communities and with thousands of miles of walkways, bikeways and trails. We celebrate our expanding engineering group and their exciting activities.
Engineers are crucial community problem solvers. Present them with a problem, they look at it with a critical eye to standards and guidelines, efficiency, functionality, safety and maintenance. When designing active communities, it is critical that the community’s engineers are properly trained and confident in the latest techniques, guidelines, and standards, not just that they’ve seen them or read them, but used them in real-life.
That’s where Alta’s engineers come in. Perhaps your community’s engineers come from a historically auto-oriented training and focus. Perhaps they have not yet designed or operated a Complete Street with a one-way or two-way cycle track, enhanced pedestrian crossings, bike signals, transit priority or rail tracks. Perhaps your trail corridor has on-street sections through a tricky, tight business district. Perhaps they’ve heard about the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide or NACTO Urban Street Design Guide, but have not yet had the opportunity to put these guidelines into action.
We have! Alta’s engineering team is led by Joe Gilpin, one of our expert “Plangineers,” cross trained in both planning and engineering. Joe is backed up by a diverse group of engineers specializing in traffic analysis, roadway design, streetscapes, high-quality bikeways, and green street features.
Contact us to learn more about what Alta can do for you:
Joe Gilpin, Vice President
[email protected] | (406) 624-6117