In 2019, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), This Inclusive Life, and Alta joined to create statewide guidance on how to conduct walk audits and demonstration projects that are accessible for everyone. By analyzing common pedestrian planning resources and processes with this lens, MDH hopes to improve street safety and accessibility for all.

As a part of this ongoing work, Alta and MDH published the Inclusive Walk Audit Facilitator’s Guide, a guide to inclusive planning processes through the use of walk audits. The guide was developed with a work group that consisted entirely of people who identify as having a disability, and provides specific guidance and information on how host more inclusive meetings and more inclusive walk audits. The document’s appendix also contains tools that planners and engineers can use to craft their own events.

This partnership between MDH and Alta has also led to trainings for statewide audiences including Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS), MnDOT All Planners Group, Special Olympics Minnesota, and the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP).